Collection: Home Compostable Pods

Delicious Coffee Factory coffee lovingly sealed in a 100% Compostable Pods

So you like great coffee and convenience? Two things that tradition dictates do not go together. Well here are your very own Coffee Factory espresso pods to buck that trend. They are crammed full of expertly roasted, freshly ground coffee ready to be unlocked by you.

Delicious coffee without compromise - It is thought around two of every three coffee capsules used end up in landfill. Aluminium and plastic capsules, while made of recyclable materials, are not easily recycled and last up to 500 years in landfill. Our capsules are made of biodegradable materials which are in turn made from renewable raw materials, and the manufacturing process of the capsule is CO2 neutral. They are certified by the OK Compost Industrial scheme, and will break down in six to twelve months. Not only that, but shot for shot, capsule machines use the least amount of energy of any brew method.

Home Compostable Pods